Most important vitamins and minerals for human body

We can not imagine our existence without water and air but food is also basic demand for surviving. Food is needed for our health and happiness. But taking excessive food may hamper of our digestion system. Consequently we will face several types of disease what will lead to immature death. When you will go to take food, you should consider about balance diet and quality of foods. It will help us to make healthy and sound life.
Food elements are classified in six ways such as carbohydrate, protein, vitamin, minerals, fat, water and substance. If we want to healthy life, you should know the basic knowledge of food elements. After knowing this you will be able to prepare calorie based balance diet what is very essential for our physical and mental growth.
Carbohydrate is a water soluble substance that makes chemical reaction with water and produce sugar. Providing human energy is the main function of carbohydrate. We get four calories out of 1gm food whatever our body is consumed. Carbohydrate enrich foods are sweet potato, bread, cake, cookies, rice, potato and general sugar.
The element of protein is same to carbohydrate. But there are some distinction between protein and carbohydrate. Nitrogen and sulfur is the additional element of protein. It helps to form our physical health and prevent decaying of tissue of human body. We get protein four calories out of 1gram food. But this food item is very expensive. Many of us are not capable to purchase this food items. So it is not considered as main stable food of energy to mass people.  Protein enrich foods are egg, fish, meat, soybean etc.
Fat provides energy profoundly in human body. We get fat nine calories out of 1gm fat. Fat is not only provides energy but also work in our body as a pad of the internal organ. It also enhances the flavor of food. High enrich fat foods are peanut, butter, artificial butter, yolk and coconut etc.
If we want to prepare balance diet for us, it is necessary to have 10-15% calories from protein, 25-35% from fat, 50-60% from carbohydrate.