Anemia in pregnancy period and its reality

It is common that many women suffer from anemia in the time of pregnancy. The demand of calories and iron may increase during this period. The pregnant women may not fulfill their demand of iron. Apparently a pregnant women need 15-20% blood. In this time, the fluid of blood may increase 30% and the scarcity of blood may be found in the body of pregnant women. The child of mother may be under risk for several reasons like bearing children frequently, malnutrition and anemia. So it is the high time to take care of women health during the pregnancy time.  
The general symptoms of anemia are feel weakness, tiredness in less work, rotting head, fading color of mouth, white eyes, scar in tongue and mouth, palpitation of chest and breathing problem. The bulging of leg may also find for the cause of anemia. The scarcity of iron may causes of nausea and loss of your appetite. There are many reasons for the lacking of iron in pregnant women. In rural area, we find much misconception about malnutrition. In some cases, they are ignoring about nutrition related issues. Even they don’t know what malnutrition is. This is why they are conceiving frequently without thinking their physical health conditions. The wrong food habit is also responsible for anemia.
Overcoming the lack of anemia, you should try to take iron enrich food like arum, green banana, guava, bean, lentil, cabbage, lever, meat and prawn etc from the initial period of pregnancy. You should take iron tablet after conceiving three months by following the suggestion of doctor. Generally first three months anemia may not reveal profoundly because of stopping menstrual. But nausea or loss of appetite may reveal in this time. So you should need to check up the quantity of hemoglobin during the pregnancy. It is also essential to push iron injection if you posses insufficient hemoglobin. You should careful from the negative impact of anemia during the pregnancy time. The negative impact of anemia causes weakness, breathing problem, immature birth, high blood pressure and interrupting of producing breast milk. In some cases, the growth of babies’ embryo may damage cause of anemia.