to Holy Scripture, it is not expected that human will eat meat. In the beginning
of the universe God has created Adam and Eve. After that he has created various
types of fruits, grains and peanut. It means that human was allowed to eat
vegetarian foods. It could easy to assume that taking vegetarian foods started
when people were dispersed from heaven. After the inundation of Noah’s period human
got allow to eat meat instead of vegetarian foods. Vegetarian foods were not
available in that time. Although, fish and meat are enriched food of protein but
vegetarian food is salubrious for health. We get protein from meat but we
should avoid the way. We should explore protein from vegetarian food.
protein which contains all sorts of Amino acid is called complete protein. It helps
to enhance adopting power to react with reverse situation. Many vegetarian have
misconception about day gluten. It is one kind of food element which generate
from flour. They think that it is equivalent of meat. But this conception is
wrong. So they try to survive having gluten. It is true that gluten is protein
related food. Actually gluten is not complete protein. It is available few amounts
of lysine in wheat what is not actually equivalent of complete protein. To say
frankly, lysine is essential element of Amino acid.
acid has four vital elements. Already I have discussed that lysine is not
available sufficiently in wheat. On the other hand, we find that rice has the
deficit of lysine and thraoenine. In the same way, maize has deficiency of
throenine and bean has deficiency of methonine. If we want to get complete
protein, we have to mix the element of foods carefully so that we get all sorts
of Amino acid. Mixture of rice and maize will not perfect food item. Rice posses’
threonine element but it is missing in maize. On the other hand, Maize has
thraonine but it is missing in rice. Above mention both food grain has lacking
of lysine. Mixing of rice and bean may an ideal and good food item. Lysine is
abundant profoundly in bean but methonine is less quantity in bean.
methods of making supplementary protein
Don’t forget to mix your meal proportionately considering food values. You can
prepare your meal with macaroni and cheese, gluten and tocoya, grain, rice and
bean properly. Having bean in launch and having gluten in dinner can not solve
the deficiency of protein. So you are suggested to take supplementary food. You
should take your second meal after 30 minutes of first.
Artificial Amino acid can be added with your food menu. It may difficult for
you to add Amino acid as food menu due to its uncomfortable smell. It can use
it like saline.
3. Prepare your meal to mix with complete
protein less or moderately.Related articles:
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