time I ask my friends and some youth why they are taking drug. What is the
secret reason behind the addiction to drug? I get different answers from them.
Some youth urge that they are taking drugs to escape from their problem or their
mental stress leads them to do so. In some cases, they can not defeat their
depression and frustration what leads them addiction to drug. Some other takes
it for their peer pressure or out of their curiosity because elderly men have
restricted them to touch it. However, I
would not like to discuss more about the reason of drug addiction here. It may
defer men to men why they are addicting to drugs. Today drug has been spread
out every nook and corner. The way of taking drugs are also changing with the
course of the time. Today most of the youths are using the ways likewise
injecting, swallowing, sniffing and smoking to abuse the drug. Actually drug
has a broad range of mental and biological effect what is harmful to human
body. Here I would like to share with you the three things why you should say
no to drugs.
Youth life is challenging life to cope
with problems and gather the knowledge to deal with life. It is the best time to
develop their physical and mental growth. Who use drugs for escaping their
problem or from depression; they never learn how to face life’s challenges and
surviving with failure. They are fully unprepared to deal with practical life.
And they can not realize that they kill their emotional development in unconscious
mind by abusing drugs. Youths who rely on drugs to solve their problems they
hinder their emotional development. Because emotional development comes from
facing life’s challenges and handling success. They fail to develop the skills
of coping with problems. He who surrenders to drugs, he fails to develop the
knowledge and skills of coping how to deal with our practical life.
We believe that God gives our life and
breath into our body. We know we can not create ourselves by own hand or wish.
As we have no power to create ourselves, why we will damage or destroy our body
by taking drugs or abusing drugs. Would we show respect to the giver of life?
On the other hand, Drugs can effect on human body in different ways. It may
weaken the immune system of our body and causes of stroke, nausea, vomiting,
abdominal pain or liver failure. We can say with confident that drugs can
effect on the brain including electrophysiological changes. The scientific
evidence of drug says that it has psychological and biological effects on human
body what is harmful of our body. This is why you should say no to drugs.
3. According
to religion views, it is strictly forbidden to avoid taking any mind-altering
substances for pleasure. Although, turning down drugs may not easy for you. Because
we live most often among the peers or friends who turn on to the various types
of drugs. Try to avoid such type of peers who insists on you inviting to take
drug. Don’t forget to change your circle of friends who are start using drugs.
Remember in your mind, bad association may spoil your good habits. One who follows
his addicted peers is nothing more than a slave. The curiosity about drugs is
unhealthy curiosity what may lead you to badness. If you feel pressure of
overwhelming, don’t seek any solution on chemical substances. Learn to face
rough problems and learn to think what is good for you. If you fail to solve
the problem, don’t hesitate to share with your parent or your faithful friends.